New criteria of existence


Despite the crucial importance which criteria of existence have within metaphysics, the discussion of their number and value never was very vivid.


Amazingly, there are quite a number of rather plausible, if not obvious criteria of existence which have not as yet been established, and which we introduce here. 


The discovery of largely emerged from the consideration of the putative non-existence of 'institutional facts' (facts which are supposed to exist by virtue of of collective recognition).




o * Objectivity/Non-Subjectivity (of existence, not of the entities!): Existence is objective (i.e., never subjective)


o * Causal Origin (of entities)


o Non-Relativity (of existence)


... o Social Non-Relativity: Entities never exist relative to a social group or collective.  


... o Local Non-Relativity: Entities never exist relative to a location.


... o Institutional Non-Relativity: Entities never exist relative to an institution.


... o Temporal Non-Relativity (in a certain sense): The existence of an entity cannot be relative to a time (though an entity may exist / be temporally located within a certain timespan).



o => Absoluteness (of existence): Existence is absolute (i.e., does not depend on anything else)